The 1-day Helicopter Underwater Egress program is designed to prepare individuals for an overwater emergency ditching. This program consists of both classroom
and pool instruction and is accompanied with 8 hours of Alaska CME credits for medical personnel. Call for BP specific courses.
The Helicopter Underwater Water Escape program is designed to prepare individuals for an overwater emergency while traveling to and from offshore
Oil Facilities, conducting Marine Mammal surveys, Seismic Operations and EMS transport.
Emphasis is placed on techniques for escaping both stable and submerged airframes. Students learn and actively perform skills in a pool environment,
guided by instructors, using two different portable airframe escape trainers as well as life rafts, life jackets and equipment found in aviation emergencies.
The program consists of both classroom and pool instruction and is accompanied by the LTR Training Systems water escape manual, pre-flight safety checklist,
training certification card and certificate of training showing 8 hours as well as Alaska CME credits for medical personnel.